Dah lama tak menulis di sini..masih lagi dengan identiti as amateur radio user..using VHF frenquency radio for 144 - 148Mhz..nak beli yang canggih lagi takde duit...pakai apa ada sahaja dan mampu dengan poket yang kosong...hehe
Tahniah kepada rakan2 yang baru lulus RAE dan mendapat lesen untuk menggunakan ruang udara amateur band...ruang yang ada diantara beribu-ribu pengguna radio...lesen radio pemancar yang paling murah....hanya RM24.00 setahun.
Tahniah juga kepada rakan2 baru di Segamat yang mampu menguruskan sendiri laman 9m4rsg.blogspot.com...teruskan dengan info dan aktiviti yang menarik.
Akhir sekali...salam Ramadhan buat semua...jangan lupa bayar zakat fitrah...hehe
my hobby and my life's...as a group of Rakan Amatur Radio Segamat. We're not a party or bands of something, just a kolonial of small communities tied-up to this passionate hobby..
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, October 13, 2008
YAESU FT-897D...

The FT-897D is a rugged, innovative, multiband, multimode portable transceiver for the amateur radio MF/HF/VHF/UHF bands. Providing coverage of the 160-10 meter bands plus the 6 m, 2 m, and 70 cm bands, the FT-897 includes operation on the SSB, CW, AM, FM, and Digital modes, and it's capable of 20-Watt portable operation using internal batteries, or up to 100 Watts when using an external 13.8-volt DC power source.
The new FT-897D version includes coverage of the U.S. 60-meter (5 MHz) band, along with the 0.5 ppm TCXO Unit, at no additional charge!
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Battery-Powered Field Operation The bottom side of the FT-897 contains a “power source tray” which can accommodate up to two of the optional 13.2 Volt, 4500 mAh FNB-78 Ni-MH Battery Packs, for completely portable operation without any external power source. Maximum power output is 20 Watts (all bands) during battery operation, and with two FNB-78s you may expect up to eight hours of operating time (TX 5%, RX 5%, standby 90%). What’s more, you can charge one of the FNB-78 Battery Packs while operating the FT-897 off the other pack—ideal for situations where solar or other power sources are available. The optional CD-24 Charge Adapter provides the necessary voltage for charging, and it may be used in conjunction with an external 13.8 Volt source, or the optional PA-26 AC Adapter may be used to power the CD-24.DC 13.8V Mobile Operation Mobile operation, using the FT-897 as the cornerstone, is pure joy! The combination of the FT-897 and the ATAS-120 Auto-Tune Antenna System provides automated operation from HF through the UHF spectrum! Using an external 13.8 Volt power source, you get a full 100 Watts of power output on HF and six meters (144 MHz: 50 W, 430 MHz: 20 W).Base Station Operation The FT-897’s outstanding fundamental performance invites expansion into a full-featured base station. The optional FP-30 Internal Power Supply provides operation from AC sources, and the clamp-on FC-30 Automatic Antenna Tuner option expands the impedance range of the transceiver. Round out your station with the MD-200A8X Deluxe Desk Microphone and the VL-1000 Quadra System Linear Amplifier for world-class performance at home! The power source tray of the FT-897 is designed to accommodate the optional FP-30 Internal Power Supply, allowing full-power operation from 100-120 V or 200-240 V AC power sources. The quiet switching-regulator design of the FP-30 is tolerant of AC input voltage variations, making it ideal for DX-pedition use! And to extend the impedance bandwidth of your antenna system, the innovative FC-30 Automatic Antenna Tuner option clamps onto the left side of the FT-897 in seconds!Rugged, High-Output Power Amplifier Achieving 100 Watts of power output from such a compact package is a difficult mechanical and electrical engineering task. On HF, push-pull 2SC5125 Bipolar transistors driven by push-pull 2SK2975s provide the 100-Watt power capability, while on VHF maximum efficiency during battery operation is yielded by 2SC3102 bipolar PA transistors. The rugged aluminum die-cast chassis provides a solid foundation for the heat sink for the power amplifier, with a total of almost 40 cubic inches of heat sink surface area available. With its thermostatically-controlled twin cooling fans, the FT-897 will stand up to the rigors of DX-pedition or home contest use, with dissipation capability to spare!Built-in Digital Signal Processing The FT-897 includes a wide array of analog and DSP filters to help you dig out those weak DX signals on a crowded band! One-touch activation of the DSP filters, plus a convenient “DSP” LED on the front panel, enhance the ease of using the DSP. DSP Bandpass Filters, Noise Reduction,a nd Auto-Notch Filter circuits are included.Outstanding Features for the CW Expert A wide array of features are tailored to the CW enthusiast operating from home or on an expedition! Included are a CW Tuning indicator, CW Pitch control, Electronic Keyer with three memories and Weight Control, and selection of Full QSK or “Semi-break-in” operation. For DX-pedition use, a unique “Beacon” mode allows you to send a repetitive message on, for example, six meters, to help others spot propagation to your location. And if you’re looking to upgrade your license class, the CW Trainer feature will send five-character letters and/or numbers via the speaker, so you can practice CW reception when the bands are dead! |
so tunggu apa lagi...kalau boleh bayar ansuran, nak juga aku cari...hehe
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Bila start minat radio...
Bila start minat radio...maybe in early 1976 - 1980. That time, semua aktiviti yang berlaku di sekolah, aku join...including Pengakap. Mostly when Pengakap time, sure we'll have 'camping time'. Kalau sebut Pengakap that time, it's just like the 'golden egg' coz not everyone have the strength to follow all of their activities. Mostly boys are very 'fonds' of Pengakap and girls...only some of them only..hehe.
The best when being a Pengakap is, they have 'Jamboree' and its including hearing 'other hams around the world on the air'...This day they call it 'JOTA'..mana laa tahu apa benda ketika itu. Itu la benda yg paling canggih pernah aku tengok selain 'pondok talipon' yang satu-satunya ada di Jitra ketika itu..
Almost ten years after, when going for a fishing trip, aku jumpa ngan seorang 'ham'. They call him 'Amir'... but in community of 'ham', he has other nick-name..hehe. From that days, i start looking on how to be an amateur radio operators. Because of my working day that time, I've to forgot this hobby...nanti hujung cerita, aku beri tahu nama..haha.
Its start to happen when I been posting from Maktab Perguruan Kota Bharu, Kelantan ( dah malas jadi burung 'hantu', tukar jadi cikgu laa plak..hehe ) to Segamat, Johor in 1996.. On November 2005, I mets other 'ham radio' here. That time, it just only 4 members in Segamat. Those 3 of them just got their AA or 'callsign' thats year..9W2WMC, 9W2SGT and 9W2MRM..Starting from their efforts, I got my AA 6 month later. Together, myself, 9W2CAZ, 9W2MJN, 9W2TCK, 9W2UKM, 9W2MOR, 9W2NDZ, SWL Faizal (9W2CMC), SWL pak Din (9W2CDJ), SWL Azman, SWL Ong, SWL Yaacob including our mentors make an efforts to promote this hobby to our community in Segamat.
That's why we always address ourself as rakan from 'Wakaf Ham Segamat'...Wakaf means 'hut' or 'pondok'..A hut is a small and crude shelter, usually used for dwelling. Its design favors local techniques and materials to allow for swift and inexpensive construction...Coz's we live in a countryside, we find its easy for other's ham to identify us and to know 'WAKAF' means for what...hehe.
Luckily, we have our own 'Land Apparatus Assignment' as given by MCMC and with some helping hand from ASTRA, we set-up our own repeater to be used as experimental station...Its called 9M4RSG.
That's how i enjoying this hobby so much...Until now, without any club or sponsor, we fulfill our dreams of making Segamat known to other amateurs radio... and seeing again my 'early ham' 9W2BB or pak Din or 'Amir'...hehe.
Thats how i met this hobby...and earns my callsign "9W2FND"...satu sahaja dalam dunia.
73, all the best.
The best when being a Pengakap is, they have 'Jamboree' and its including hearing 'other hams around the world on the air'...This day they call it 'JOTA'..mana laa tahu apa benda ketika itu. Itu la benda yg paling canggih pernah aku tengok selain 'pondok talipon' yang satu-satunya ada di Jitra ketika itu..
Almost ten years after, when going for a fishing trip, aku jumpa ngan seorang 'ham'. They call him 'Amir'... but in community of 'ham', he has other nick-name..hehe. From that days, i start looking on how to be an amateur radio operators. Because of my working day that time, I've to forgot this hobby...nanti hujung cerita, aku beri tahu nama..haha.
Its start to happen when I been posting from Maktab Perguruan Kota Bharu, Kelantan ( dah malas jadi burung 'hantu', tukar jadi cikgu laa plak..hehe ) to Segamat, Johor in 1996.. On November 2005, I mets other 'ham radio' here. That time, it just only 4 members in Segamat. Those 3 of them just got their AA or 'callsign' thats year..9W2WMC, 9W2SGT and 9W2MRM..Starting from their efforts, I got my AA 6 month later. Together, myself, 9W2CAZ, 9W2MJN, 9W2TCK, 9W2UKM, 9W2MOR, 9W2NDZ, SWL Faizal (9W2CMC), SWL pak Din (9W2CDJ), SWL Azman, SWL Ong, SWL Yaacob including our mentors make an efforts to promote this hobby to our community in Segamat.
That's why we always address ourself as rakan from 'Wakaf Ham Segamat'...Wakaf means 'hut' or 'pondok'..A hut is a small and crude shelter, usually used for dwelling. Its design favors local techniques and materials to allow for swift and inexpensive construction...Coz's we live in a countryside, we find its easy for other's ham to identify us and to know 'WAKAF' means for what...hehe.
Luckily, we have our own 'Land Apparatus Assignment' as given by MCMC and with some helping hand from ASTRA, we set-up our own repeater to be used as experimental station...Its called 9M4RSG.
That's how i enjoying this hobby so much...Until now, without any club or sponsor, we fulfill our dreams of making Segamat known to other amateurs radio... and seeing again my 'early ham' 9W2BB or pak Din or 'Amir'...hehe.
Thats how i met this hobby...and earns my callsign "9W2FND"...satu sahaja dalam dunia.
73, all the best.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
TH-D7AG Kenwood handy
My dreams handy at this moments...
quite simple but looks efective...
The TH-D7AG is equipped with a built-in AX.25 TNC for simple packet operation or to be used with a handheld GPS (NMEA-0813 compatible) as a full function APRS(TM) Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System... same as his big brothers..
The TH-D7AG is capable of reporting exact position, speed and heading as well as calculation of distance to destination...should be marvelous for a long term...
The TH-D7AG can also be used for APRS(TM) messaging to send up to 45 character messages through APRS(TM) or APRS(TM) Internet gateways without the use of a PC...ermm, i'm still having trouble to know it's better. Maybe someone could explain it in more simple words...hehe
Additional features such as advanced functions and capabilities with the VC-H1 Visual Communicator and HF SkyCommand operation with the Kenwood TS-570 D/S or TS-870S series radios are possible.
The new unique jog/cursor key makes navigation through the TH-D7AG features a breeze. The TH-D7AG now makes DATA communications simple and easy.
You can go to the Kenwood USA Corporation web site.htm for more detail...
^144/430 MHz operation
^5.5 WATTS @ 13.6 Volts
^Built-in 1200/9600 baud TNC
^Built-in APRS(TM) operating software
^Dual RX on the same band for voice and data (VHF only)
^Large 12 digit x 3 line dot matrix display
^200 memory channels w/ 8 character display
^PC Programmable for frequency and name (PG-4W required)
^16 backlit keys (laser cut from inside)
^Built-in CTCSS encode and decode
^MIL-SPEC 810C/D/E water resistant
^10 channel DTMF telephone auto-patch memory
^Monitor DX Clusters
^TM-V7A and TM-742AD DTMF Remote Control
^VC-H1 Visual Communicator advanced control operation
^Uses the same accessories as the TH-G71A

The TH-D7AG is equipped with a built-in AX.25 TNC for simple packet operation or to be used with a handheld GPS (NMEA-0813 compatible) as a full function APRS(TM) Automatic Packet/Position Reporting System... same as his big brothers..
The TH-D7AG is capable of reporting exact position, speed and heading as well as calculation of distance to destination...should be marvelous for a long term...
The TH-D7AG can also be used for APRS(TM) messaging to send up to 45 character messages through APRS(TM) or APRS(TM) Internet gateways without the use of a PC...ermm, i'm still having trouble to know it's better. Maybe someone could explain it in more simple words...hehe
Additional features such as advanced functions and capabilities with the VC-H1 Visual Communicator and HF SkyCommand operation with the Kenwood TS-570 D/S or TS-870S series radios are possible.
The new unique jog/cursor key makes navigation through the TH-D7AG features a breeze. The TH-D7AG now makes DATA communications simple and easy.
You can go to the Kenwood USA Corporation web site.htm for more detail...
^144/430 MHz operation
^5.5 WATTS @ 13.6 Volts
^Built-in 1200/9600 baud TNC
^Built-in APRS(TM) operating software
^Dual RX on the same band for voice and data (VHF only)
^Large 12 digit x 3 line dot matrix display
^200 memory channels w/ 8 character display
^PC Programmable for frequency and name (PG-4W required)
^16 backlit keys (laser cut from inside)
^Built-in CTCSS encode and decode
^MIL-SPEC 810C/D/E water resistant
^10 channel DTMF telephone auto-patch memory
^Monitor DX Clusters
^TM-V7A and TM-742AD DTMF Remote Control
^VC-H1 Visual Communicator advanced control operation
^Uses the same accessories as the TH-G71A
the passionate hobby by individuals...

There are three types of assignment under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA) viz.,
1 Spectrum Assignment,
2 Apparatus Assignment and
3 Class Assignment.
There are three types of assignments, namely, spectrum assignments, apparatus
assignments and class assignments:
• A spectrum assignment authorises a person to use one or more specified
frequency bands for any purpose consistent with the assignment conditions;
• An apparatus assignment authorises a person to use one or more specified
frequency bands to operate a network facility of a specified kind or for a
specified purpose
• A class assignment authorises use by any person of a specified frequency
band for a specified purpose. No fee is payable and is valid until cancelled in
writing by the Commission.
Note that unless exempted by the Minister, the CMA prohibits any person from
using any part of the spectrum unless that person holds a spectrum assignment,
an apparatus assignment or the use of the spectrum is subject to a class
assignment. The penalty for contravening this section is a fine not exceeding
RM500,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or both.
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